Plagiarism Policy

Jurnal Bangunan: Konstruksi & Desain (JBKD) Journal took plagiarism in papers/articles as a serious matter. JBKD is using Turnitin's similarity check as the tool for screening similarities in submitted papers, and prior to publications as well. JBKD usage of Turnitin is based on Universitas Andalas' latest licensing agreement effective since November 2017. Every submitted paper will be checked using Turnitin upon submission to JBKD. Their similarity results will then be assessed by the editors before assigned to reviewers. The second stage of plagiarism checking will be conducted before the articles published in their future issues.

Considering these processes, JBKD strongly suggests that authors should try their best to adhere to plagiarism issues in their articles. Make sure that a maximum of 30% similarities will be found in their articles. If the similarity exceeds 30%, the paper will be rejected. Authors are welcome to improve the similarity of the paper and then submit it again to JBKD.